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Avail Microcast Spool 18BTM36RI, 18BTM58RI

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Avail Microcast Spool 18BTM36RI, 18BTM58RI 18 Bantam MGL 150

Availability: In stock

18 Bantam MGL 150. Please swap the SVS Infinity brake holder from stock spool, using SVS puller listed on the page of this spool.
36RI 3.6mm deep spool, 0.285mm-60m/70yds, 11.7g fine for 5g 3/16oz
58RI 5.8mm deep spool, 0.370mm-60m/70yds, 12.2g fine for 7g 1/4oz

Availability: In stock

Photo Selection Price Qty
36RI Purple

58RI Red

58RI ChGold