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Bouz Drag Checkers

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Bouz Drag Checkers You may measure drag pressure without someone to help you

Availability: In stock

With drag checkers, you may set appropriate drag force and eliminate line breaks. This Bouz drag checker measures line tensions just by hanging the drag checker on line, between reel and the first guide. And you may see the drag force by yourself. Drag checker has a max record hand and you may check the max reading later. You don't have to ask someone to read the drag force at the end of lines. This is the must for serious anglers.
You put lines between the three cones on the drag checker, and the center cone will be pushed by load to measure line tensions.
About 30% of line breaking strength is said to be appropriate drag force. All measurement is by metric KG.
DC-2001 up to 1kg
DC-2003 up to 3kg
DC-2005 up to 5kg
DC-2015 up to 15kg


Availability: In stock

Photo Model Details Price Qty
DC-2001 1kg model Drag force up to 1kg

Out of stock

DC-2003 3kg model Drag force up to 3kg

DC-2005 5kg model Drag force up to 5kg

DC-2015 15kg model Drag force up to 15kg

I have been using Bouz drag checker for more than 10 years, and this is the best drag checker in market. Now I may tell the appropriate drag by hands for around 1-5kg. Please check the drag often and you'll learn how much you shoud tighten the drag knobs of your reel.