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ABU 18 Roxani BF8, Japan model 2018-2020

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ABU 18 Roxani BF8, Japan model 2018-2020

Availability: Out of stock

ABU 2018 Roxani BF8 reels are high-value finesse bait casters, suitable to cast 5-10g 3/16-3/8oz rigs. It has durable aluminum body frame. Its brake system is Magtrax-X systems, to carry 10 magnets to have strong and wide brake adjustability. Salt Shield ball bearing offer long life with saltwater for this reel. Shallow spool will remove total weight from spool allowing it to be able to cast light rigs.spool

Dura Metal Aluminum body frame
C6 side plate
Magtrax-X brake system (Magnet brake systems with 10 magnets)
ESD (extra strong duralumin) drive gear and main shaft
ESD 33mm-dia shallow spool
Salt Shield TM ball bearing at pinion
80mm long sway back carbon power handle
Saltwater fine

Availability: Out of stock

Model Gear Ratio Weight gram/oz Ball Bearings Drag capacity kg Retrieve/turn cm/inch Handle length mm Line Capacity Price Qty
Roxani BF8, Right 8.0:1 185g 6.6oz 4+1 5.5kg/12lb 83cm 32.7" 80mm 0.265mm(JP10lb, US8lb)-80m(90yds)

Out of stock

Roxani BF8-L, Left 8.0:1 185g 6.6oz 4+1 5.5kg/12lb 83cm 32.7" 80mm 0.265mm(JP10lb, US8lb)-80m(90yds)

Out of stock

Jun's comment: Its spool weighs a little heavy at 15.3g, and this is not a reel to cast ultra light rigs like 2-3g no sinker small plastic worms. Combined with the Magtrax-X brake, this BF8 casts well for 5-7g 3/16-1/4oz jigs very well at pitching. Brake controls spool very well and you will not see birds nest.