Shimano JDM 16 Grappler BB 200/201 2016-2018
Availability: Out of stock
Shimano Grappler is super light weight practical bait caster with long power handle. It is light in weight, and has powerful cranking. Its body is made of Ci4+ carbon material, which offers quite solid body construction and light weight. Its brake is 4pt SVS, and you may change the brake setting by switching on/off of the 4 brake blocks upon opening side plate.
102mm long machined handle and EVA ergo gripping knobs offer power cranking. 5.5kg power drag pulls up fish from bottom.
Fiber re-inforced Ci4+ carbon body
4pt SVS centrifugal brake system
Sealed anti-rust ball bearings S-ARB
Super free spool design
One touch removable side plate
Low sitting, small palming body
Saltwater fine
Made by Shimano oversea factory