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High-quality fishing tackle directly from Japan to worldwide. All prices are in US$.

Cormoran AquaWave Metal Magic Shore 30g, 40g tail spinner

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Cormoran AquaWave Metal Magic Shore 30g, 40g tail spinner Best catching tail spinner for Sawara, Spanish Mackerel, IN STOCK!

Availability: In stock

Cormoran Metal Magic tail spinner jigs have been huge hits in Japan since its debut in 2020. It catches sperb for Sawara, spanish macherel, and other fast running games mainly in saltwater. Due to its liquid-resistance-efficient body, you may pull this bait at the fastest speed with the least dragging, and fish bites! Surprisingly, sawara bits only at the spinning blades and I had no cut on leader so far. To prevent the cut, please retrieve this bait at steady speed without jerking or any speed change. This bait is surely effective when games are feeding on 3-7cm tiny fish. This Shore version has lead body, a little larger than tungsten TG models. 20g 43mm, 30g 49mm, 40g 53mm



Availability: In stock

30g, single hook

Photo Color Price Qty
A75A Zebra Glow

A70C Pink back

Out of stock

A106 Blue Pink

A104A Green gold

Out of stock

A13A aka-kin

A107 Silver

A14D Iwashi

Out of stock

40g, single hook

Photo Color Price Qty
A75A Zebra Glow

A14D Iwashi

A104A Green Gold

A70C Pink back

A106 Blue Pink

A107A silver

A13A aka-kin