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Maria Loaded pencil baits 140mm, 180mm

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Maria Loaded pencil baits 140mm, 180mm Jun's number 1 top-water tuna bait

Availability: In stock

Loaded: This offshore top-water pencil bait targets tunas, mahi, yellow tail, king fish and etc. It makes bubbling diving action, dog-walking, and sub-surface "S" swimming as well. The bubbling action is the action made by strong jerking, and bait make strong bubble tube around it under surface, while it is swimming under water making S shaped darting actions. It is quiet effective for tuna, yellow tail, and king fish. Its fat, high floating body makes quick diving and bubbles. It makes fast dog-walking actions at twitchings. Its high bouyancy body make quick dog wakings. All eyes are connected by wire to stand for big games.

Loaded 140mm 43g floating: Great for mahi, tuna and other big game fish. 5-1/2",1-1/2oz, Floating, comes with heavy wire Cultiva ST-56 #1/0 hooks.
Loaded 180mm 75g floating: Great for mahi, tuna and other big game fish. 7", 3oz, Floating, comes without hooks. Please attach 2/0 or 3/0 treble hooks of Cultiva ST-56 or ST-66 or equivalent.

Availability: In stock

Loaded 140mm 43g

Photo Color Price Qty
B04C Nama-Shiraru

Regular Price: $19.30

Special Price $17.40

B08H Pink Iwashi

Regular Price: $19.30

Special Price $17.40

B37H Sight Pinky

Regular Price: $19.30

Special Price $17.40

B24D Keimura Slit Glow

Regular Price: $19.30

Special Price $17.40

B01H Iwashi

Regular Price: $19.30

Special Price $17.40

Loaded 180mm 75g no hook

Photo Color Price Qty
B24D keimura Slit Glow

Regular Price: $23.60

Special Price $21.20

B01H Iwashi

Regular Price: $23.60

Special Price $21.20

B37H Sight Pinky

Regular Price: $23.60

Special Price $21.20

B04C Nama-Shirasu

Regular Price: $23.60

Special Price $21.20

B08H Pink Iwashi

Regular Price: $23.60

Special Price $21.20

Jun's comment: For mahi, please make fast dog-walk actions with 140mm model. For tuna, please make long jerk and stay about 5 seconds to wait. Tuna doesn't bite on fast moving baits.